Sunday, March 16, 2008

Animal's rights.

OPINION: ANIMAL's rights and Animal's Testing

Animal rights, also known as animal liberation, is the idea that the basic interests of non-human animals.Animal rights is the concept that all or some animals are entitled to possess their own lives; that they are deserving of, or already possess, certain moral rights; and that some basic rights for animals ought to be enshrined in law. The animal-rights view rejects the concept that animals are merely capital goods or property intended for the benefit of humans. The concept is often confused with animal welfare, which is the philosophy that takes cruelty towards animals and animal suffering into account, but that does not assign specific moral rights to them.

A man in Shanghai begs for money, holding a monkey who is missing a limb and tethered by a rope.

In animal testing, drug companies make every effort to use as few animals as possible and to ensure their humane and proper care. Generally, two or more species (one rodent, one non-rodent) are tested because a drug may affect one species differently from another. Animal testing is used to measure how much of a drug is absorbed into the blood, how it is broken down chemically in the body, the toxicity of the drug and its breakdown products (metabolites), and how quickly the drug and its metabolites are excreted from the body.Animal testing is inhuman and it is morally wrong to torture animals for our own benifits.Everyday a human being will talk about his or her rights. If a person feels their rights have been taken away from them they will fight back. Therefore is it not hypercritical for humans -who are generally obsessed with their own rights- to torment and kill, innocent and defenseless animals? Why shouldn't animals recieve the same rights as humans? Imagine if this were happening to your own pets, to your cat or dog. Is the scientific benefits still the top priority?
What would happen if I were to deliberatley give another human a fatal disease, if i were to electrocute, shoot or poison them? This would be considered immorally wrong and I would be labeled as a psycho, and I would most certainly be jailed for it. Yet scientists can do this on a daily basis and no one thinks twice. Are these scientist labeled in this way? No - if they do manage to get lucky and create something beneficial from the torture, then they are seen as heroes.
We need to put an end to this cruelty, in the end what is more important, money or life?